Scale modelling
Ever since our foundation in the nineties, scale modelling, mould making and tool making have played an important role for ubc. We have been creating our own tools, gauges and other production tools from the very beginning.
We use a wide range of materials for scale modelling and mould making as a matter of course. Not only are CFRP and plastics used, but also several hundred tonnes of metal are milled every year – from steel and aluminium to titanium.
We have extensive expertise in the area of classic scale modelling, in particular in the construction of CFRP-based mock-ups as well as in the implementation of data control models and cubings. We achieve the highest degree of precision by being able to implement almost all of the procedures within our own company – from design to production and measurement.
Our in-house expertise also enables us to implement time-critical projects on time, at any time.